Possible to have one or more "black frames" between two image sequences?


I have a script that puts together timelines using RV (and rvio) from the command line. And I just stumbled upon the scenario that one shot might not have an image sequence yet but I do know how many frames it should be. Is there any easy way to have "black frames" during a specified amount of frames before next image sequence begins? I tried to search for this but could not find anything.

Using RV 3.10.10

Thanks in advance!


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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Andreas,

    Yes there is a way to do that. It's actually one of my favorite little-known features of RV/RVIO.  You can use our procedural image/sequence format called movieproc.

    You can read the details in the RV User's Manual chapter 12.1.7: http://www.tweaksoftware.com/static/documentation/rv/current/html/rv_manual.html#toc-Subsection-12.1.7

    If you give RV or RVIO a file or sequence name ending in the extension '.movieproc' the name will be interpreted as instructions for generating an image sequence. The file does not even have to exist on disk, you can just pass the name in in a command line or put it in an .rv session file.

    So for example:

    >> rv solid.movieproc

    Will launch RV with a single black frame of default size. You can use additional arguments to set the color, the resolution, the frame range, show smpte bars, and even add audio in the form of a sine wave.

    Here are some examples:

    100 Frames of HD res black frames:


    A single orange HD frame:


    Smpte Color Bars with audio:




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    Andreas Ekoutsidis

    Wow, thanks for the quick answer Seth!


    It totally worked out as I wanted it. Thanks a lot! :D

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    Maria Vineeta


    I have a question on similar lines.
    Is it possible to hold a single frame of an mov, using a movieproc for n frames?





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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi Maria,

    You can't achieve that with a movieproc, however, if you want to take complete control over the order of presented frames, you can manually take over the order and sequence of frames with the RVSequence node.


    This allows you to double-up frames, omit frames, or even jump around frames (like a mulit-cut) if you so desired.  It is a bit more work than dropping in a new source, but it should give you complete control over the order of presented frames.

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