RVIO requires Quicktime Pro on a PC?

This may seem like an obvious question, but I can't seem to find an answer. We can't write Quicktime pjpeg .movs with either RVIO or RV's export feature on our PCs. Do we need to purchase QT Pro for any machine that will be exporting MOVs? Anyone know if we can switch the exporter to using FFMpeg/Libquicktime?


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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hello Dennis,

    Quicktime has a way of creating confusion about many 'obvious' questions. I'm deducing from your question that you are working on Windows; if that's not correct let me know.

    RV 32 bit on Windows can play Quicktime movies using the Apple Quicktime libraries and RVIO can encode movies using the same libraries. There is no Apple 64 bit Quicktime library on Windows and so RV 64 on Windows does not support Quicktime. However, you can install both versions on the same system (32 and 64). In practice, the big advantage of 64 bit RV, accessing all of your RAM for caching large sequences, is very important for working with high res image sequences, but less important when playing movies (which often can stream from disk and decode at frame rate).

    Libquicktime is not ported to Windows yet. We are investigating our options for adding Quicktime support to RV 64. There are a few approaches to this but we have not yet settled on the best way to do this. Of course the preferred approach would be for Apple to provide upgrade their Quicktime API/libraries to 64 bit.

    As with anything related to Quicktime, it's disappointing to have to give lame partial answers like this, but the Quicktime ecosystem is pretty broken and there are no simple solutions.



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    Dennis Serras

    Thank you very much! I appreciate the answer. We'll try the 32-bit and see if it helps. I'm assuming Pro is NOT necessary in this case (for Windows 7, that is).



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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Dennis,

    Right, you need to have Quicktime installed for RV/RVIO 32 to play or encode Quicktime movies on Windows, but Pro is not necessary.



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