Error with RV Playing ProRes

I have a mac running Lion with RV 3.12.14 64bit and FinalCut Pro installed. When I attempt to play a ProRes file I get the following Error:


WARNING: quicktime codecs: Could not find video Decoder for fourcc apch
ERROR: Unsupported video codec: for video track 0 (0)
WARNING: QFileInfo::absolutePath: Constructed with empty filename 


Any idea on how I can get RV to playback ProRes?


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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hello Frederick,

    You need to use the 32 bit version of RV on OSX to get the native Apple Quicktime components. The 64 bit version uses alternate libraries due to the historical lack of 64 bit Apple Quicktime libraries. You can have both versions installed on the same system.





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    Frederick Ross

    Great thanks for the Response! Is there any plans to update the 64bit app to be able to play the native apple quicktime components?

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    Roula O'Regan

    Also - does it only work on OSX? Could it work on Linux?

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    Roula O'Regan

    Has there been any improvements on updating the 64bit app? We're getting the same error message, running Rv 3.12.14 and trying to run ProRes.



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Roula and Frederick,

    Support for ProRes and other Quicktime components in 64-bit RV is unlikely to happen anytime soon.  The support in 32-bit RV comes via the apple quicktime api, which is 32-bit only.  64 bit RV quicktime support is limited to the codecs supported by libquicktime.  We have a longterm project in progress to eliminate the libquicktime bottleneck and support ffmpeg/libavcodec directly.  FFmpeg has some prores support, but the patent/license implications of providing prores support in RV through ffmpeg are not clear at this time.

    I am sorry there is isn't anything more promising to report at this time.

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    I believe other software is addressing this issue by their 64bit apps spawning a 32bit "helper" process to read the QT files with the 32bit codecs.  The files are then passed to the 64bit app.  Is there any chance you could develop something along this line?

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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Brian,

    Yes, we have actually gone pretty far down the "32bit side-car" path.  Unfortunately this approach has a couple serious problems:

    • We're still stuck with the Apple Quicktime API, which is convoluted and under-supported.  We could rewrite all this code to use the newer AV Foundation, but  that's even more mac-specific, and will still have the problem that the resulting color almost certainly will not match other platforms.
    • As far as we can tell, any "side-car" approach will have serious performance disadvantages.
    So our preferred approach is to produce an FFMpeg based "native plugin" for RV (as opposed to using libquicktime as an intermediary).  If we can make that happen on Windows, we'll have 64bit movie support on all platforms from the same code ensuring color/performance/codec consistency across platforms.
    We may still need a "side-car" implementation as a final fallback for legal/patent reasons for some codecs, but it's not clear yet what the balance will be.
    The bottom line is that sorting this all out is a top priority for us and I expect it to be resolved over the next six months.
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    Kira Hammond

    Hi!  Before I go bug our Systems Admin to install the 32-bit version of RV so we can view files encoded with the prores CODEC.....

    1)  Does RV version 3.10.10 support Prores in the same manner listed above?  I know we are quite behind on updates.

    2)  Does RV version 3.10.10 support viewing alpha channels in a Prores 444 encoded file?


    Thanks for your time,



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Kira,

    I do not have a ProRes 444 file to test with, but all 32-bit versions of RV work in the way described above. If you can give me a sample file (even in a private ticket) to test with I can let you know about the 444 part. Otherwise having the ProRes component installed is all you should need with 32-bit RV.


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    Kira Hammond

    Thanks for the offer to test it out Jon, here's a quick file encoded as prores 444 with alpha channel: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5l1qSG9Hc2fX3FoTk01X2sydDQ/edit?usp=sharing


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Kira,

    That file plays back fine on RV-4 with the environment variable RV_ENABLE_MIO_FFMPEG set _and_ the plugin recompiled to allow ProRes.

    Clearly the environment variable is easy to set, and the directions are easy to follow for whatever platform you use to recompile mio_ffmpeg to allow additional codecs. We cannot legally distribute our reader plugin with support for patented codecs like ProRes or DNxHD enabled. Therefore if you are willing to take legal responsibility for doing so, then you can follow the directions we include in the src/mio_ffmpeg/README of every RV-4 installation to enable these codecs yourself.

    Hope that helps.


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    Kira Hammond

    We're on RV 3.10.10, will it function in the same way?





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    Jon Morley

    Hi Kira,

    No. I am sorry but this requires the new mio_ffmpeg movie plugin included with RV-4 exclusively.


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    Yurii Hydrick

    I'm getting the same error with XDCAM wrapped in MXF and anything ProRes... have there been any advances regarding this error yet?

    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't seem to get any format to play in RV. I've tried variations of ProRes, MXF, H264, and MP4... any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Yurii,

    RV is still not licensed to play ProRes. Much of what is said above is still true. However RV now plays MXF files and can play H.264 encoded streams in MOV files as well as MP4 files.

    Which version of RV are you using and on which platform?

    RV can definitely play some of those files. If you would like to open a private ticket to discuss the specifics of your media and perhaps share a sample please do so. That would probably help us help you the fastest.


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    Marc-Antoine Desjardins

    I noticed that the YCbCr matrix used by RV seems to always be Rec601 when reading mov. When exporting in ProRes 422 from Nuke (encoder : mov_64) , it is automatically set to Rec709 if HD, but RV still uses Rec601. I can change the matrix used in Nuke when using encoder mov_32, but is there a way to force RV to use Rec709 YCbCr matrix instead ?

    In the Image Info tool, with a mov not in ProRes, I think this setting is called 'ColorSpace/Conversion', but it is always Rec601 even when set to Rec709 in Nuke. What metadata key is it using to check this value, maybe I can simply change that. 

    Nuke uses 'quicktime/nclc_matrix' and 'quicktime/thefoundry/YCbCrMatrix'.

    PS: I posted this question here because it seems related to thread.

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