Apply a LUT in Screening Room?


When I view our mov's or dpx's in RV locally I add the "Cineon/DPX Log" to see them with the correct colorspace.

I would like to view the mov's in Screening Room but must convert them with RVIO in order to adjust the colorspace.

Is it possible to just upload the mov's as is and change the colorspace in Screening Room like I do with RV?  The RVIO conversion takes a little too long and I can't figure out how to do the equivalent conversion using ffmpeg.  


Thank you for your help




  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Collin,

    When you say "view the mov's in Screening Room" do you mean in the web viewer or with RV? Because if you are looking at the files in RV you can still choose the "Cineon/DPX Log" colorspace from the Color menu. If you instead mean the web viewer, then I am afraid I do not know what options are available for colorspace settings. For more information about the web viewer we will have to consult Shotgun Software.

    Can you please elaborate on your workflow more?


  • 0
    Collin Parrish

    Yeah - on the web viewer.  I wasn't sure where to post my question - I thought this was the same area as the shotgun questions.

    We upload mov files to shotgun and view them in screening room.  

    I can remove the colorspace from the dpx's with rvio and convert them but the process takes a very long time.  I was hoping to just upload our mov's as-is to shotgun and add the cineon colorspace from the web viewer like we do in RV locally.

  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Collin,

    I see. Well we do not technically have anything to do with the web viewer. My understanding is that option exists when RV is inaccessible. In any case that is something Shotgun Software would know more about. I would start a new thread about this there:


    I do not know all of the capabilities of the web viewer, but if you wind up deciding to convert your files with ffmpeg or rvio please feel free to ask us more questions.


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    Collin Parrish

    do you know how to remove a cineon colorspace with ffmpeg and add a linear colorspace?

    I've tried it with rvio and this command sort of gets it close to what we want but the files are around 40mb and ffmpeg gives us files that are around 3mb.

    rvio file_name.#.dpx -codec x264 -inlog -outres 1280 720 -o output.mov -outsrgb  #( i tried limiting bitrate but it didn't seem to limit output file size)

    It's not exactly right - do you know what I'm going wrong, or do you know how to do the equivalent in ffmpeg?


    Thank you!

  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Collin,

    Can you please share with me the ffmpeg command line? I will convert it to the corresponding rvio command line and then you can see if the results are any better/smaller.


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