Setting playback region from the command line

Hi there,

Is it possible to set the playback region when launching RV from the command line?

I was wondering if I can have a slate be viewed once when launched, but not appear on each loop.

(It works with an RV session file, defined as such:
int[2] range = [ [ 1 22 ] ]
int[2] region = [ [ 2 22 ] ]
but being able to do it from the command line seems nicer)



  • 0
    Jon Morley


    I think it would be good to take a look at the output from running RV with "-help". In the output you will find a section on per source arguments:

    Per-source arguments (inside [ and ] restricts to that source only)

    -pa %f                  Per-source pixel aspect ratio
    -ro %d                  Per-source range offset
    -rs %d                  Per-source range start
    -fps %f                 Per-source or global fps
    -ao %f                  Per-source audio offset in seconds
    -so %f                  Per-source stereo relative eye offset
    -rso %f                 Per-source stereo right eye offset
    -volume %f              Per-source or global audio volume (default=1)
    -flut %S                Per-source file LUT
    -llut %S                Per-source look LUT
    -pclut %S               Per-source pre-cache software LUT
    -cmap %S                Per-source channel mapping (channel names, separated by ',')
    -select %S %S           Per-source view/layer/channel selection
    -crop %d %d %d %d       Per-source crop (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    -uncrop %d %d %d %d     Per-source uncrop (width, height, xoffset, yoffset)
    -in %d                  Per-source cut-in frame
    -out %d                 Per-source cut-out frame
    -noMovieAudio           Disable source movie's baked-in audio

    I think what you are looking for is something like:

    rv [ mysource -in 1 -out 22 ]

    The square brackets are used to group together per source arguments like "-in" and "-out". Please take a look at that and let me know if that does what you are looking for.

    NOTE: These same per source args "-in" and "-out" can be used with RVIO as well.


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    Hi there Jon,
    Thanks for the reply, but not exactly.

    I tried to get familiar with the terminology before posting, and also posted my .rv file snippet because of that too.
    I'd like to set my "range" 1-22, and my "region" 2-22.
    When I launch RV, it'd look like this:    http://i.imgur.com/EL4LOEz.jpg

    This allows me to:
    * Launch RV & Display the 1-frame-slate (generated with simpleslate), and freeze on it
    * Set the "region" starting from frame 2
    * So when I hit play, I don't ever see the slate again on every loop.

    I've chopped the .rv file I've saved out of RV GUI to its smallest working state, and I'm pasting below.
    It'd be possible to generate such a small .rv file for each movie, and always view those instead, but a simple command-line switch would've been much more classy.


    GTOa (4)

    rv : RVSession (4)
              int[2] range = [ [ 1 22 ] ]
              int[2] region = [ [ 2 22 ] ]

    sourceGroup000000_source : RVFileSource (1)
              string movie = "C:/test.mov"

  • 0
    Jon Morley


    You did better than I at reading. Sorry about that! I mostly missed the meaning of your original question. I think the per source arguments "-in" and "-out" might still be a part of this solution though. Please also try using "-view" in the following manner:

    rv [ foo.mov -in 2 ] -view sourceGroup000000

    That will open RV to look at your source instead of the defaultSequence like normal. Furthermore the play-head will rest at from 1, but the playback region will be set to 2-22. Therefore on subsequent loops the first frame (slate) will be skipped.

    Please try that.


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    Hi there Jon,

    Mystery solved.
    I thought this would be how everyone would like to view their slates, but what do I know :-)

    Thank you very much!

  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Great! Thank you for your patience!

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