I apologize in advance, I'm just getting started with Mu, so I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of very basic mistakes as I come up to speed. I'm trying to write a mode, and failing almost immediately. I'm attaching my code - it doesn't do much but try to initialize the mode and do some printing. Unfortunately, that's enough to trigger this error:
ERROR: No match found for function "init" with 7 arguments: ml_slate_mode.MLSlatePopup, ml_slate_mode.MLSlatePopup, ml_slate_mode.MLSlatePopup, ml_slate_mode.MLSlatePopup, string, bool, bool
Where are those 4 copies of my class coming from when I'm calling init()? I feel like this should be a pretty simple problem to debug, which makes me think that I'm misunderstanding something about the language on a pretty fundamental level. I was able to get my mode initializing correctly through python, but then was having other trouble using MuSymbol to run Mu code, so it's probably cleaner if I can just get everything running correctly in Mu.