Panalog to Lin conversion

is it possible to add a color conversion operation in the color menu that converts Panalog images to Lin?




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    Seth Rosenthal


    Thanks for the request. We will take a look at adding this. It's on our list but we have not gotten to it yet.



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    Jim Hourihan

    Bernhard, if you create a LUT that does the conversion you can make a package with a mode in it that with a custom menu that turns it on. Alternately, if you know a way to identify images that require the LUT you can set it automatically in a custom source setup function. These are both documented in the reference manual. 

    We will probably get to this ourselves in the near future as well.


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    Bernhard Kimbacher

    yes that's what we ended up doing. thanks Seth and Jim!



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    Seth Rosenthal

    Jim has posted a Panalog->Linear LUT in our knowledgebase:





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    Frank Rueter

    Cool, just what I needed as well. Now what's the least painful way to get this into an RV menu so i don't always have to drag&drop the lut file? Unfortunately I am still a MU illiterate 

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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Frank,

    There is a example package on the Tweak Downloads page that implements custom LUT Menu in RV. You point the package at a directory of LUTs and it creates a menu item for each LUT it finds.

    The package currently sets the display LUT. It would have to be hacked to set the file->Linear LUT. There are a few ways to do this. One would be have sub menus with alternate LUTs, or a pref or something.

    In any case, it's a fairly simple Mu Package example. Maybe it will get you to dive in :) But also, I'd be glad to help modify a version for you to get you going.



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    Frank Rueter

    at the risk of provoking a RTFM:

    can I add a custom lut mechanism via python yet? I.e. add a luts menu and tell RV to default a certain lut based on the incoming file format and/or meta data?

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    Jon Morley

    Thank you for the example file in your support ticket. As I commented over there I have taken that Mu script and modernized it for RV 3.12.16 in Python. Please take a look at tell me how that works for you. Thanks!

    The Custom LUT Menu Mode package is now an optional package included in all releases.

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