how to resizing images with rvio

Hi ,


I have question regarding image manipulation ,  Say I have a image with 640*480 resolution and I need to add some plate with extended , I am attaching some image with this , I tired to use overlay but its just making a overlay in the existing image . I think the attached Image will tell the problem exactly ,  I hope and sorry for my bad english :)



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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hello Kurian,

    You can do this by using the 'uncrop' feature of RVIO. Uncrop is sort of the opposite of crop. It let's you specify a new image size and to place your existing image in that new rectangle.

    rvio -help will show you some examples of usage including one for uncrop:

    Per-source arguments (inside [ and ] restricts to that source only)

    -pa %f                  Per-source pixel aspect ratio
    -ro %d                  Per-source range offset
    -fps %f                 Per-source or global fps
    -ao %f                  Per-source audio offset in seconds
    -so %f                  Per-source stereo relative eye offset
    -volume %f              Per-source or global audio volume (default=1)
    -flut %S                Per-source file LUT
    -llut %S                Per-source look LUT
    -pclut %S               Per-source pre-cache software LUT
    -cmap %S                Per-source channel mapping (channel names, separated by ',')
    -crop %d %d %d %d       Per-source crop (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
    -uncrop %d %d %d %d     Per-source uncrop (width, height, xoffset, yoffset)
    -in %d                  Per-source cut-in frame
    -out %d                 Per-source cut-out frame
    -noMovieAudio           Disable source movie's baked-in audio

    You can see the uncrop flag takes the new dimensions and also the location  where you want to place your existing image in the new rectangle.

    I will give you an example using another cool feature of rvio, 'movieproc' images. By using the .movieproc image extension you can have RV or RVIO make up an image on the fly based on parameters in the image name. It's a great way to do quick tests like this.

    So  here is an example command line. The input image will be 640x480 resolution. It will be uncropped to 640x580 and placed at 0x 50y. Then rvio will use the frameburn overlay to write the framenumber (30 pixels high) on the image.

    rvio [ solid,red=0.5,width=640,height=480.movieproc -uncrop 640 580 0 50 ] -overlay frameburn 1 1 30 -o resized.jpg

    I hope that helps you with your question.



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    Kurian O.S

    Hi Seth ,

    Yes thats what exactly I am looking for but still I am unable to produce a image with uncrop, I know I am doing something worng :).


    here is the code I am running [code] rvio -uncrop 1600 1200 0 50 /tmp/frameSubImage/testImage.2352.jpg -overlay frameburn 1 1 30 -o ~/dropBox/resized.jpg[/code]

    do you have any clue why its not creating the new image with new resolution ?





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    Seth Rosenthal


    I think perhaps you are not using the square brakets correctly. The square brackets must surround the input file name and all of the per source flags and arguments. If  you look closely at my example you see what I mean. The output image anme and other commands are outside of the square brakets.

    Does that help?



  • 0
    Kurian O.S

    Hi Seth


    When i am running with  rvio [/tmp/frameSubImage/testImage.2352.jpg -uncrop 1600 1200 0 50] -overlay frameburn 1 1 30 -o ~/dropBox/resized.jpg then rvio is giving a error "ERROR: No files in sequence [/tmp/frameSubImage/testImage.2352.jpg (0) "

  • 0
    Kurian O.S

    Hi Seth

    When i am running with  rvio [/tmp/frameSubImage/testImage.2352.jpg -uncrop 1600 1200 0 50] -overlay frameburn 1 1 30 -o ~/dropBox/resized.jpg then rvio is giving a error "ERROR: No files in sequence [/tmp/frameSubImage/testImage.2352.jpg (0) "

  • 0
    Seth Rosenthal

    Hello Kurian,

    You need to leave spaces around the square brackets.



  • 0
    Kurian O.S



    Oh yeahhhhhh , its working , thank you so much for the help :)


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    Emmanuel Dumont

    This info was really helpful thanks.

    I have another question: would it be possible to control the uncrop color? It's black by default and we'd like some grey for instance.

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Emmanuel,

    You cannot control the color as an option of the uncrop however you can insert a solid movieproc of the desired color underneath the source you are uncropping in a stack. Please try the following example:

    rv [ smptebars,width=720,height=480.movieproc -uncrop 800 560 40 40 ] solid,red=0.3,green=0.3,blue=0.3,width=800,height=560.movieproc -over

    For more information about movieprocs please check out:

     13.1.7: RV's movieproc Format (.movieproc)



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    Emmanuel Dumont

    Thanks for feedback, I'll give it a try, and at the same time become a more proficient rv[io] user :)

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