Luts in RV 3.10.9 Broken

It appears that luts don't work in 3.10.9.

When I drag a lut file int RV the screen goes black if I crank the gamma there is an image there but very crushed.




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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Matt,

    Thanks for the report. We had not seen that. We did some quick tests and could not reproduce it. Can you give us a bit more information?

    What operating system? Which version of RV (32 or 64)?

    What kind of LUT?

    Where are you dropping the LUT (file, display?)

    Also can you double check that the exact same LUT file works in the previous version of RV? Or even better, it would be great if you can send us an email to support@tweaksoftware.zendesk.com with a LUT file that exibits the problem.





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    Matt Omond

    Hi Seth.

    I am using Win 7 64

    using a CSP

    and it doesn't matter where I drop the file, and it its the same one used on previous versions. I am emailing you the file now

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    Alan Trombla

    Update for the record:  LUTs seem to work as usual in 3.10.9.  The change that made Matt think they were broken is that RV now assumes that DPX files from Nuke with no Color Space information in the header are in Kodak Log space (previously the assumption was Linear, which seemed to be a correct guess only rarely).



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    Jose Fernandez de Castro

    What is the command to load DPX files without lin to log conversion?

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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Jose,

    I'm not sure what you mean exactly.  The change in 3.10.9 is that a log-to-lin conversion is applied to dpx files from Nuke that don't specify a color space transfer function.  Is it that conversion you want to turn off ?   What color space are your dpx files from Nuke in ?

    In general, RV determines the proper linearizing transform for a given file from image header values and file extension.   You can also use the name, environment variables, etc.  But there are not easy command-line controls for these things.  The standard way to set this up for a given studio is to copy and modify the standard Color Management package provided with RV.  This package, and some pointers on modifying it are provided in this section of the RV Reference Manual.

    We're also happy to help with this kind of setup; if you want some help or advice, please feel free to open a support ticket.



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