ZIP-less package/extension?

I'm wondering if there's a way to distribute RV modifications without having to roll them into a .zip file (similar to the way rvui.mu works, for example). The "workaround" idea I've come up with so far is to create a "dummy" package zip so that RV will see the package at all, stick an empty .mu in the zip, and then just drop the actual .mu file into /plugins/Mu and edit it there. However, this seems really hacky, and I'm not sure how reliable it would be in the long term. The goal is to be able to easily version-control the .mu file and not have to re-package it in the .zip every time I change a line.

Any thoughts/insights?


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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Nathan,

    First, be sure you're using 3.10.10 and have read about the rvpkg tool:


    Then I'd say there's two situations.  For debugging/development, i usually install my basic package (in a local directory) and then edit in place.  For deployment of completed packages, I use rvpkg to install/update.  It can be part of a scripted build process, so doesn't seem onerous to me.

    You can of course just have packages that refer to an mu module installed in the MU_MODULE_PATH (in or out of a package).  But I'd really recommend sticking with packages, for any kind of formal development.


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    Josh Kirschenbaum

    I understand the concept of how the .rvpkg file is basically a zip containing all the necessary code - but how do I EDIT the .mu file that is INSIDE that .rvpkg file? Am I missing something totally basic here? I don't see how to navigate INTO the "zipped" .rvpkg file.

    I'm running RV 3.10.11 on MacOS X 10.6.6, with the command line tools working.

    Thanks in advance!


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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Josh,

    You can unzip the package and then re-zip it once you have modified it. A simple way to do this to just change the extension from .rvpkg to .zip. Then your usual gui tools and the Mac Finder will recognize it.

    On the command line you can use 'zip' and 'unzip' commands and just use the .rvpkg extension directly:

    >> unzip foo.rvpkg

    >> zip foo.rvpkg foo



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