How can I have a sequence show the sequence below in a stack?


I am building an RV Session file in which there are two RVSequences within an RVStack. Both sequences have an EDL. The topmost sequence has two shots separated by a gap while the bottommost has three contiguous clips. My goal is to have the bottom sequence show through the gap in the top sequence. Currently, once the first clip reaches its out point, it freezes, therefore hiding the bottom sequence until the next clip starts. A workaround could be to insert, in every gap, a piece of a black clip with its alpha set to 0 and use the Over mode of RVStack, but this won't work when compositors have rendered with an alpha (intentionally or not!) especially since I will need more than two sequences overlaid.

Any hint? Thanks!

See the JPEG and rv file attached.



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Claude,

    Thank you for the diagram. That is very helpful.

    I took a look at how one could implement that kind of arrangement in RV and think that you will need to represent that gap with a transparent slug. This can easily be achieved with a movieproc in RV. If you have not heard of RV's movieproc before please take a look at the following documentation:

     13.1.7: RV's movieproc Format (.movieproc)

    I used a "solid,alpha=0.0.movieproc" as my transparent slug and then was able to create the kind of stack you drew in your diagram. I have attached the result. In the attached session you will find two sequences, Top and Bottom. Below is the composition of each:

    Top: Blue, Clear, Red

    Bottom: Red, Green, Blue

    That way when you play/step through "myStack" you will see Blue, then Green, then Red, as the middle clip allows the Bottom-Green to show through. Please let me know if this will work for you.

    The modified session is attached above as modified-multi-layered-sequences.rv.

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    Thanks Jon,

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the clear slug to work, its alpha needs to be taken into consideration, which means using the "over" stack mode. But in that mode, as I mentioned, any alpha still present in other clips in the top layer partially visible. Right?

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Claude,

    Yes, I believe that is true. I will ask the rest of the team if there are any other ways to get around that limitation.

    I do not know any other than making yet another layer between the Top and Bottom that effectively mattes out the alpha like an opaque backing. Obviously you would use the same clear movieprocs where you originally intended to let the Bottom show through.

    If you are programmatically producing your sessions, then this technique is not that challenging to implement, but it may create fairly complex sessions that will not be as easy to manually adjust should that be important to you.

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Claude,

    I wanted to note that we have added official blank, black, and arbitrary colored slugs that could make doing this a little easier than using movieprocs on the command line. If you are still investigating this please let us know.



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