Create prores-movs using rvio

Hey guys,

I'm trying to set up a postrender process in nuke to convert the written dpx-files in log-c to prores-quicktimes using rvio.

It is working well apart from the fact that I wasn't able to match the colors to the mov-files Nuke writes on its own using prores 422hq (apcn), sRGB and no gamma correction. I used the -inlogc flag to set the input dpxfiles to AlexaLogC and tried -outsrgb -outgamma 1 and -outgamma 1.8 to set the output colorspace, but there is always a color shift compared to the quicktimes created by nuke.

Has anyone experienced that kind of problem or is there any further documentation concerning additional parameters in rvio when encoding prores?

Thanks a lot,



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Til,

    Unfortunately RVIO has very little control over the encoding parameters for ProRes at this time. The only way to access ProRes encoding with RVIO for now is to use 32-bit RVIO on either Mac OS or Windows with the ProRes Apple QuickTime component. When doing so however there is no way to adjust the encoding parameters from the defaults of component.

    There are plans in place to improve this, but the resolution to these limitations in not right around the corner.



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    David Mason

    Hi Jon/RV,

    Does RVIO have Adjustable ProRes QT creation ability yet?  I see this note was from 2012.  Would love to be able to create ProRez QT's straight from Shotgun (using RV).

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    Jon Morley

    Hi David,

    With RV-4 we moved away entirely from the 32-bit Apple QuickTime libraries in favor of ffmpeg's 64-bit libraries for better performance and cross platform capability. With this change we have abandoned QuickTime Component support. This change also means the we are not able to ship with support for codecs like ProRes enabled because we are not licensed. If you have further questions I highly recommend you create a private support ticket.


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