RV / Maya Integration with Mac OSX

Hi, I am having problems getting this to work.  Followed step-by-step the instructions on the RV / Maya Integration documentation for Mac OSX.  When I playblast, nothing happens in RV---Session Manager does not show any new Sources.  Is there a specific setting for Maya playblasts I need to have on?


RV v 3.12.20 (64bit)
Maya 2012 (64bit)



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Yung,

    Just to make sure we are on the same page here I want to double-check that the Installation directions you followed are the ones listed here:


    Can you please confirm that?


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    Yung Pham

    Hi Jon,

    yes, that's the documentation i followed for installation---activated the maya package in RV and installed the MEL script; in Maya in entered the strings in the Application menu.

    i've attached a screen capture of my playblast settings.  is there a setting that RV prefers?

    cool, thanks Jon---

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Yung,

    When things are configured correctly you should not need or have RV running before you playblast. If when you trigger the play blast RV does start please tell us what errors or information is printed to the console.

    If RV does not start up then please look for the following mel file:


    This file contains an explicit reference to an "rvpush" call that should exist for you on your computer (locally or over the network). Can you share this file with us as well as confirm on your end that your mel file references the "rvpush" you expect and does indeed exist on disk?


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    Yung Pham

    Hi Jon, thanks for following up.

    here is the information i get in the console of Maya after playblasting:
    // Result: /var/tmp/blastpIfnUd


    this is the mel file i have installed in the ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/playblastWithRV.mel path:
        global proc playblastWithRV (string $file, string $fps)
            $cmd = "unset QT_MAC_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR; /Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/rvpush -tag playblast" + " merge [ " + $file + " -fps " + $fps + " ]";
            system ($cmd);


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Yung,

    Sorry we let this slide for so long. I am going through old posts and wanted to make sure you found what you needed. Please let me know where you are at with this issue.


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    Mw Ad

    I am having the exact same issue. I received a RV test license yesterday and I am trying to set up a Maya to RV Playblast workflow. I followed the steps in the RV/Maya Integration (v1.4) docs and when I playblast I receive no error messages in Maya, everything looks like it should work since no Quicktime nor Fcheck does load the image sequence but unfortunately RV doesn't start too. Is that version tested on OSX 10.9?

    MacBook Pro Retina
    OSX 10.9.1
    Maya 2014 SP3
    RV 4.0.10

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    Mw Ad

    When I set the path in the Maya Preferences (Sequence Viewing Applications) directly to /Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/rv64
    without calling the playblastWithRV.mel then it works. When I point instead to the /Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/rvpush then again nothing happens. Does the Maya integration work for any user on OSX 10.8 or 10.9?


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    Hi Mw Ad and friends, i have the problems with maya 2014 X64 using the playblast i try both methods describes in this forum and nothing happend, the rv not working with playblast, could any help me with this. thank you for your help.

    i try with all this thing:

    all fields of secuence viewwing application  /Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/RV64  or playblastWithRV

    with optional flags   %f %r

    all fields of image viewing Application   The same top

    the mel is located in this path:
    /Users/MY USER/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/playblastWithRV.mel

    parameters of playblast --->reset

    This messenger appear when give to playblast in maya:

    playblast -format qt -sequenceTime 0 -clearCache 1 -viewer 1 -showOrnaments 1 -fp 4 -percent 50 -compression "PNG" -quality 70;
    // Warning: line 0: Command format is not specified for Image Viewer in preferences. //

    Thank you friends any help is reward!


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    Alan Trombla

    Hi guys,

    Sorry about this, but it looks like OSX Maya 2014 acts a bit differently.  After some experimentation, I've updated the installation docs with instructions for Mana 2014 that seem to work well.  Those instructions are online here.

    Please let me know if that doesn't work for you.



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