Hold single Image


Is it possible to treat a single image as if it were a image sequence?

Basically, what I want to do is hold a single image for a certain number of frames.

We are using custom slates (custom text/fields, background pictures, etc...) depending on the project and customer for our playouts.

These slates get generated based on our inhouse pipeline tools and the user should be able to specify the length and they need to be able

to appear anywhere in the sequence (not just at the start).


I tried the following commandline:

rvio.exe [ C:\temp\slate43455313.png  -in 1 -out 50 ] -o C:\temp\temp.mov

aswell as

rvio.exe [ C:\temp\slate43455313.png  -t 1-50 ] -o C:\temp\temp.mov


It seems the per-input flags dealing with time get ignored when the provided input is not a sequence or a movie file.


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Leo,

    Passing -in and -out to set the range is not ignored. It simply can't be used to extend the range. It only works to trim it. Sorry there isn't really anything on the command line for what you are trying to do at this time.


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Leo,

    An undocumented/unsupported way to do this might be to lie about the length of your image sequence when you provide it to RV. The way you would achieve your orignal goal would be to send RV the following:

    rvio.exe [ C:\temp\slate43455313-43455362@@@@@@@@.png ] -o C:\temp\temp.mov

    That is because RV will see 43455313 as the frame number and look for 50 more frames after it.

    You could try this, but it is sort of a kludge.


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    I'm running into the same issue. I want to replace some missing footage by a card with data about it. The only way I found to hold this card for the duration of the missing footage is to add n times my image into the source list. But it doesn't feel clean.


    Is there any news concerning this potential feature ?


    Thx a lot.

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    In fact the workaround I described doesn't work if your missing footage is too long (you hit the "command line is too long" windows error :/)

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Alexis,

    There have been no recent changes to the way RV operates regarding this behavior, but maybe you can share with me the structure of your command line that is "too long" and I can at least help you restore your work around. Please send me an example command line.


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    Here is my actual command when all footage are found:

    rvio_hw.exe -v -o \\host.local\projects\test\2_PROD\SHOTS\seq_01\__OUT__\seq_01.mov

    Now if the shot 02 is not available yet, but is expected to be 5 frames long:

    rvio_hw.exe -v -o \\host.local\projects\test\2_PROD\SHOTS\seq_01\__OUT__\seq_01.mov

    This example runs but if my missing shot was longer (say 35 frames) I'd exceed the Windows command line limitation.

    Thx again for your time !

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Alexis,

    Have you considered using movieprocs in place of your fail.png files? With movieprocs you could define the length of the placeholder in one entry. Here are the docs for movieprocs:


    I was also wondering if you had considered programmatically creating a session file to pass to RVIO. If you use the rvSession.py Python module we include with every copy of RV, then you can create far more specific and complex source configurations in a session file which can be use with RVIO to produce an output movie or image sequence. You will find rvSession.py in the src/python/rvSession directory of your RV install. you will also find an example of how to use it there called. test.py.

    Please let me know more about your fail.png files and if either of the above alternate techniques are worth pursuing.


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    Due to a lack of time I stuck to what I knew (python subprocess to build command line and call RV) but the approaches you suggest seems way cleaner and more flexible. I'll give it a try as soon as possible !


    Thx a lot !

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    Jon Morley

    Great Alexis!

    Please let us know if you have any more questions!


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