How to set EXRs to default to Rec709 colorspace

What's the easiest way to set the EXR colorspace default to Rec709?



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Richard,

    Can you please explain what you mean a little further? Do you mean you have linear EXR files with Rec709 primaries or you have non-linear EXR files that   require a Rec709 transfer function to linearize?

    Strictly speaking the EXR specification is for all pixel data to be linear and then to specify the primaries in the metadata of the EXR. Also it is good to note that RV's working space is linear using Rec709 primaries.

    If you need to set a transfer function for all of your EXR files because they somehow require conversion then you can set the environment variable "RV_OVERRIDE_TRANSFER_EXR" to "Rec709". Please let me know.


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    Richard Greenwood

    Hi Jon,

    We receive EXR files pulled from Scratch with the colorspace set to Rec709. Additionally, we render out EXRs from Nuke with the colorspace set to Rec709. So to answer your question, we have non-linear EXRs that require a Rec709 transfer function (though please correct me if I'm wrong).

    The environmental variable solution isn't available until RV 4, I think? (We are currently running 3.12.11)

    So your first solution - setting the metadata of the EXR - appears to be working. 

    Specifically, I can add a ModifyMetaData node in Nuke with the key set to "exr/ColorSpace/Transfer" and the value set to "Rec709". The EXRs rendered with this metadata no longer require manually changing the nonlinear to linear conversion to Rec709 from RV's UI. 

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Richard,

    I am glad you are up and running!


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