Timecode Burn-In via mu script overlay

//edit -> Short version: Is it possible to access metadata (like Timecode from an exr or dpx sequence) for burn-ins generated with the overlay module? What would be the best way to approach this?


I am currently playingaround with mu scripts as overlays for frame and additional info burn-ins. Using the provided frameburn.mu as a base I'd like to read the timecode from my image sequence (dpx/exr) and burn this in as well. But I cannot figure out how to get information from rv into the main function in mu. To burn in the fps for example I would assume to simply replace:

let text   = "%04d" % frame;

in frameburn.mu with:

let text   = commands.fps;

but this only leads to an error when i call rvio with the -overlay mymodlue command. If anyone here has a suggestion on how to burn in timecode via commandline that would be awesome.


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Martin,

    Unfortunately there is no way to access the fps of the media from the overlay script. You could add an additional string to the arguments your overlay script accepts to specify the fps, but it is not accessible programmatically.

    You can add timecode with the following syntax:

    rvio input.exr -o output.mov -outparams timecode=100

    would set the timecode start to frame 100


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Martin,

    I misspoke. There is no way to access the commands module however you can read the attributes from the sources being rendered. If the signature of your main method matches the following:

    \: main (void; int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, bool, int, [string], [(string, string)])

    That final array of string tuples will have some extra information including the attributes of the sources. I would try looking through that array for the fps.

    You can see an example of this main structure in the distributed frameburn.mu.

    Please let me know if that helps or if you have any more questions.


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    Martin Kenzel

    that is some great information, thanks! I will look through that array.

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