Multi-Part EXR reading in RV

Hey guys,

Quick question when I render out a mult-part exr from Nuke 8.0 using the channel interleave option, it doesn't seem to read correctly in RV 6.2.3. I also get an error message when i try to view the other layers in my EXR file. Is OpenEXR 2.0 Mult-Part EXR supported in RV?




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    Jon Morley

    Hi Shervin,

    Yes. That should be supported. Would it be possible to share with us the error and a sample EXR file that exhibits the problem. Please feel free to open a private ticket if you feel more comfortable.


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    hi Jon,

    I sent example multi-part EXR files and a nuke script to you via email.




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    Jon Morley

    Hi Shervin,

    Which email did you send it to? I don't seem to have any emails from you. I think it is best if you open a private ticket and attach the sample there.


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    Jason Iversen

    Hi Jon,

    I see in 6.2.3, RV recognises multiPart EXRs but hanges when I try to select a layer.   Is this a known bug?




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    Jason Iversen

    Sorry - this is Jason Iversen here :)  - Production Technology Supervisor at DD.

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    Jason Iversen

    FYI, this stuff runs by in the shell:


    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 2
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 12                                                                                 
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 3                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 4                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 2                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 3                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 12                                                                                 
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 4                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 2                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 3         



    Hope that helps,


  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Jason!

    That is not a known bug. We are coming up on a release soon so it would be good to sort that out before we release 6.2.4. Is there some way you could send us a sample file that exhibits that behavior? Feel free to open a private ticket if you feel more comfortable sharing that way.

    We are investigating Shervin's issue. If this is related we can add you as a CC to that ticket. Are you both working on the same issue both at Digital Domain?


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    Jason Iversen

    Hey Jon,  I believe the last time I saw you I was wearing your name-tag at SIGGRAPH in a Vancouver elevator!

    Yes, please add me to the bug. I'm definitely interested in seeing multiPart EXRs be used and have to knock down the walls one by one.


    I thought I pasted this into here, but we're seeing this being emitted:


    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 3                                                                                  
    ERROR: caching thread caught unexpected exception: ERROR: FileSourceIPNode::evaluate: no media found., at frame 12  

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    Jon Morley

    Right! I remember.

    Jason, can you please tell me which platform you would like to test this on?

    Before I add you to Shervin's ticket can you two please confirm you are working at the same place? Otherwise I will have to open a unique private ticket for you, Jason.


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    Jason Iversen

    Yup, Shervin and I are both at DD - he's in Vancouver and myself in Los Angeles.


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    Jon Morley

    Roger. I added you as a CC to that ticket. Please let me know if you don't receive an email or have trouble checking it out.


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    Jon Morley

    For posterity (from Shervin):

    "For you reference selecting the "write full layer names" toggle in Nuke while rendering out interleave - channels produced compatible Multi-Part EXR files that displayed correctly in RV 6.2.4."


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