OCIO in rvio ? also, annotations and rvio?


I've run aboard an issue with rvio and OCIO not playing nicely together. Despite $OCIO being set, it appears rvio does not support OCIO? I also cannot find any documentation on the subject. 

With OCIO enabled and set, exporting annotated frames using File > Export > Annotated Frames will fail as rvio_hw gives this :

ERROR: OCIOIPNode: Config::GetProcessor failed. Destination colorspace is null.


Additionally, I am curious, when rvio writes out images from an Rv session (.rv) file, where is it getting the user drawing (annotated) data from? For example, if I scribble in the view, then export an annotated frame, I see Rv saves a text-based session file and feeds that to rvio. But I cannot see any painting or binary information in the session file representing the drawings...






  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Jordan,

    What version of RV are you using and on what platform?

    Would it be possible to share your OCIO config with us as well as a sample session file? Please feel free to open a private ticket if that helps. I don't need any media.

    Also can you please tell me if you are using the included OCIO sample package for RV when viewing your sources interactively? If not how you setting up your OCIO settings in RV?


  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Jordan,

    I see this has moved into a private ticket. You can ignore my questions.


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