Hi guys,
I know you have been tinkering with RV's standard OCIO implementation lately and heard that this has came to an end
Is it already integrated into the latest RV release?
I would love to know a bit more about that updated OCIO package.
- Does this only work in the latest and greatest RV release or is it downwards compatible?
- It seems not to work with every OCIO config around and behaves a bit different compared to f.e. Nukes integration:
- -What are the differences?
- -What are the dependencies (use of looks instead of displays per source, right). What else?
- -Is there a sample configuraiton that shows how it works
- Which file(s) need to be edited to fit it into an existing pipeline:
- -Getting OCIO from source filenames (or metadata)?
Is there an existing documentation that answers (some of) my questions?
Would love to hear from you.