Iam trying to draw a cube with RVpaint but can't figure it out. This is what i got at the moment :
nodetxt = 'sourceGroup000000_paint'
frame = commands.frame()
user = 'test'
points = [[0.0,0.0],[0.1,0.0],[0.1,0.1],[0.0,0.1]]
node = '%s.pen:%s:%s:%s' % (nodetxt,0,frame, user)
commands.newProperty('%s.points' % node, commands.FloatType, 2)
commands.newProperty('%s.color' % node, commands.FloatType, 4)
commands.newProperty('%s.width' % node, commands.FloatType, 1)
commands.newProperty('%s.active' % node, commands.IntType, 1)
commands.newProperty('%s.brush' % node, commands.StringType, 1)
for point in points:
commands.setFloatProperty('%s.points' % node, point, True)
commands.setFloatProperty('%s.color' % node, [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 ], True)
commands.setFloatProperty('%s.width' % node, [width], True)
commands.setIntProperty('%s.active' % node, [ 1 ], True)
commands.setStringProperty('%s.brush' % node, [ 'circle' ], True)
Am i missing something ? I can draw RVOverlay without any issue, but RvPaint doesnt seem to work for me ...