Automatically load the second eye when using stereo footage

Hi Seth,

I know this is already on your list, I just thought it would be nice to have several options how to load the second eye.

1. there is a general tab in the preferences that needs to be set, then RV searches for files with naming conventions set in a txt file

everytime you drop or open footage (sort of a stereomode)

2. you have already loaded footage, just one eye though, via the menu you can click "load second eye" and it searches the footage according to naming conventions given in a text file


all the best




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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Johannes,

    Thanks for the suggestions. It is high on our priority list to sort out the automatic stereo loading. I think both modes you suggest are good ideas. It can be tricky to specify naming conventions but we'll figure out a good approach to that. I like the 'load second eye' button or menu item idea too.

    Hopefully this will be sorted out fairly soon.





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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Johannes,

    Just to wind this up, RV has come with the "autoload stero" package for a while.  You can turn this on in the package preferences, and then RV will attempt to find the right eye when you load the left.

    Docs below.


    Autoload Stereo Package (v1.0)

    © 2011 Tweak Software


    This experimental package enables the automatic finding and loading of the right eye component of stereo media. The process can be triggered manually or automatically, and there is some control over the method used to identify the right eye media from the left eye media.

    Menu Items

    Four menu items provide access to various functions of the package:

    Image/Stereo/Find and Load Right Eye

    Selecting this menu item will cause RV to examine the currently visible sources, and for each, if it does not already have right eye media, to search for it and load it if found.

    View/Stereo/Find and Load All Right Eyes

    This menu item will attempt to identify and load right eye media for all existing sources.

    File/Options/Auto-load Right Eye for Stereo (in stereo view modes only)

    If you toggle this option (which will be remembered as a preference), RV will attempt to load corresponding right eye media for any loaded media (that does not already have a right eye view), but only when in a stereo view mode. This does not affect media loaded from a session file.

    File/Options/Auto-load Right Eye for Stereo (always)

    If you toggle this option (which will be remembered as a preference), RV will attempt to load corresponding right eye media for any loaded media (that does not already have a right eye view), except when the media comes from a session file.

    How is the Right Eye media identified ?

    Media file names (and paths) are considered to be "left eye" if they contain one of the left-eye identifiers separated from the rest of the filename by any mix of these characters: dot, comma, slash, underbar, dash. The default set of left-eye identifiers is "left", "Left", "LEFT", "le", "LE", "l", and "L". Once a particular filename has been identified as "left", the corresponding right-eye identifiers are swapped in to generate a right-eye media filename.

    The set of left/right identifiers can be configured with the environment variable RV_STEREO_NAME_PAIRS. For example:

    setenv RV_STEREO_NAME_PAIRS "left:right:droite:gauche:D:G"
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    Johannes Hezer

    Hi Alan,

    yep have been using this already.
    Thanks a ton.



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