CINE support

We'd love to have CINE file format supported by RV and RVIO. Any plans to support Phantom Camera file format ?


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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Marc,

    We don't have any plans at the moment for native CINE support.  Couple questions for you:

    • On what platforms would CINE file support be useful for you (the software from vision research seems be be fairly windows-centric) ?
    • If we looked into this,  would you be able to provide sample files ?  Or do you know where we could get them ?
    Of course the main motivation for us would be demand for this support from a large number of customers, so if others out there would like this, please comment below.


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    Marc Dubrois

    Come on guys, comment, comment !

    Their products are windows centric but i know cine file format is supported by baselight (Linux) and glue tools (Mac OSX). Our main Operating System is Windows.

    Of course, i send you a cine file monday (french timezone)

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    Stephen Pugh

    We're running Windows here as well, and I'd be keen to see more RED support too.  Granted, I'm just getting into my first "large" project shot on a RED, and am finding it a pain in the nethers even to get REDLog DPX frames to look correct within RV.   Is there a best approach to get the REDLog equivalent of selecting Alexa LogC or Viper Log from the "Color" menu?



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    Arkell Rasiah

    We will look into getting RedLog into the color menu for the 6.3.0 release. Will keep you posted.




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