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    Alan Trombla

    Right, we've thought about this, but frankly it's not at the top of the list at the moment.  If you have specific ideas about what kind of function/objects you'd like to see in such an API, please pass them on for when we can get to it.



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    Alan Trombla

    FYI in 3.10 (3.10.1 in beta testing now) we'll dist a simple python API (rvSession.py) for writing version 2 session files, which can provide most of the info that defines an rvio run.


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    Jon Peel

    The rvSession API you mention goes a long way but I'd really like to see more time spent on it - at the moment it seems very low level and not particularly polished.  The reading of rv session files and higher level functions (like being able to merge session files for example) would be incredibly useful additions. 

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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for the feedback.  Depending on how you look at it, the rvSession API is actually fairly high level, since it attempt to allow the user to ignore the session nodes smaller than the group objects.  For this reason it would be pretty hard to support reading/merging session files, though I understand the desire for it.   Anyway, I agree that we could do more here, and your interest has been noted. 

    While we're talking about it, are you aware that RV will attempt to merge session files itself it it receives more than one on the command line ?  There's also a "Merge ..." on the File menu in RV that'll do the same thing.  Just FYI.



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    Jim Hourihan

    Marking this as DONE although the request is possibly more general than complete Python as a scripting language. Perhaps this could be segmented into several more specific feature requests?


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    Jim Hourihan

    New comments please go to Python Forum! Thanks.


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