specify exr layer from command line

Hi all,

 is there any way to specify an exr layer from the command line when providing source material for rv or rvio ?

 i'm thinking it might be nice for viewing left-eye, right-eye stereo pairs in sequence, and could be a cool way for viewing render aovs quickly (maybe in the tile stack mode).

 i was thinking something like


rv mySequence.#.exr{layer}


so i could do something like:


rvio -tile myRender.#.exr{diff} myRender.#.exr{spec} myRender.#.exr{amb} myRender.#.exr{refl} -o aovCheck.mov


to get a nice contact sheet style quicktime for inspecting all my aovs at once.



sound feasible ?




  • 0
    Alan Trombla

    Hi Ben,

    Yes, you can do this now (in RV3.8.6) with the -cmap (channel map) command line arg.  For example, to create a tiled view of the left and right views of a standard stereo multi-view exr sequence called "stereo.#.exr", you could use a command line like this:

    rv [ stereo.#.exr -cmap left.R,left.G,left.B ] [ stereo.#.exr -cmap right.R,right.G,right.B ]

    Also, in your second example, where you have many AOV's tiled, you might find it useful to bring up the Image Info widget, since then you can mouse over the different tiles to see which AOV you're looking at.


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    Ben Toogood

    Thanks Alan, that's great. Feel free to move this from 'Feature Requests' to 'Questions and Troubleshooting' :)


    Couple of questions - is there any way to adjust the layout in 'tile' mode (set row/column count, change padding round cels) ?

    also I don't seem to be able to use the '-tile' flag with RVIO (or '-comp tile -sessionType stack') . Any plans to add that? Would let me do the aov checking quicktimes we're after.


    thanks again

  • 0
    Alan Trombla

    Hi Ben,

    Sorry, forgot to respond to this one.  In 3.8.6, there is no way to addjust the tile layout and yes, it looks like the -tile, etc. options got left out of the rvio command line options.  Both these will be addressed in our next release (3.10), which will be in beta in a couple of months.


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    Andrew Wood

    Did this get added in 3.10?  I'm using 3.12.12 and doesn't seem to work still


    -> rvio -tile /tmp/test.exr /tmp/test.exr -o /tmp/output.exr
    unrecognized arg: -tile
    use the -help option for usage information




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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Andrew,

    No and Yes ;-)  There's no -tile option, as you saw, but you can get this effect with "-view defaultLayout".

    Hope that helps,


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