I have discussed with Alan on the support channel but thought I'd log it here for others to comment on.
It would be awesome to have a mu script that reads a latlong (spherical map) from disk and it qtvr style, i.e as a spherical mapping on a dome and the user can pan and zoom.
This would be brilliant for browsing a library of environment/sky domes as well as light probes for TDs (think Shotgun integration...). I've had the problem in a few companies now that we always had to generate qtvr files to view environment libraries properly, and always either depended on quicktime or had to use a custom java app or so that did the above (on linux where quicktime wouldn't be too helpful).
During the Nuke Masterclass in London last year, Jon Wadelton showed a proof of concept of this feature inside a Nuke panel, and i'm pretty sure with the power of MU, this could be scripted in RV.