draw VR environments based on latlong

I have discussed with Alan on the support channel but thought I'd log it here for others to comment on.

It would be awesome to have a mu script that reads a latlong (spherical map) from disk and it qtvr style, i.e as a spherical mapping on a dome and the user can pan and zoom.

This would be brilliant for browsing a library of environment/sky domes as well as light probes for TDs (think Shotgun integration...). I've had the problem in a few companies now that we always had to generate qtvr files to view environment libraries properly, and always either depended on quicktime or had to use a custom java app or so that did the above (on linux where quicktime wouldn't be too helpful).

During the Nuke Masterclass in London last year, Jon Wadelton showed a proof of concept of this feature inside a Nuke panel, and i'm pretty sure with the power of MU, this could be scripted in RV.


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    Alan Trombla

    Hey, just to close this loop: you can view spherically-mapped media in RV now (as of RV6 release) with the optional "Lat-Long Viewer" package.   Be sure to "Load" the package in the Packages prefs dialog, and see docs there or below.

    Hope that helps.

    I'm marking this request "Done"!


    LatLong Viewer (v1.0)

    LatLong Viewer (v1.0)

    © 2015 Autodesk


    This experimental package provides a custom node that implements a "viewer" for lat-long or spherically-mapped media. That is, the input to the node is considered to be suitable for mapping onto a sphere, where the x coordinate of the image is "latitude" and the y coordinate is "longitude". The viewer then implements a perspective view of the sphere from a point in the center, with view direction and "focalLength" determined by properties on the node.

    NOTE LatLongViewer GLSL shader courtesy of The Mill!

    Menu Items

    Five menu items provide access to various functions of the package:

    Image/LatLong Viewer-Add To Source

    Selecting this menu item will cause RV to examine the currently visible sources, and for each, if it does not already have a LatLongViewer node, add one. Note that the node will be added "internally" (in the RVColorPipelineGroup within the Source), so the new node will not be visible in the Session Manager, and any view using this Source will see the output of the viewer node.

    Image/LatLong Viewer-Add As Top-Level Node

    Selecting this menu item will cause RV to add a LatLongViewer node at the "top level" where it will be visible in the Session Manager, and connect the current view as the Viewer’s input.

    Image/LatLong Viewer-Enabled

    This item will appear checked if there is one or more LatLongViewer node in the current evaluation path, and all such nodes are active. Selecting this item will activate or deactivate all the LatLongViewer nodes in the current evaluation path. When the viewer node is inactive, it has no effect.

    Image/LatLong Viewer-Adjust Focal Length

    Selecting this item lets you change the focal length parameter to the LatLongViewer shader. After you select the menu item, just mouse down and drag in view to adjust, like other RV "virtual sliders".

    Image/LatLong Viewer-Adjust View With Shitft-Drag

    If this item is checked, holding the Shift key while click-dragging in the main view will change the "view direction" of the viewer. Please note that the Pixel Inspector also uses shift-drag, so it cannot be used when this item is checked. This item is stored as a preference.

    Last updated 2015-04-28 13:41:34 PDT
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    Ben Brown

    Hi Alan


    I've found the latLong viewer within the packages menu, but after 'loading' none of the menu options are appearing in my RV. Can I confirm that when the instructions state 'Image/Stereo/LatLong Viewer-Adjust View With Shitft-Drag',
    that refers to the 'Image' drop-down menu in the top menu bar? (I'm able to bring in the LatLongViewer node to the Session Manager)

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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Ben,

    No, sorry, that was a "documentation bug".  The LatLong menu items appear on the Image menu, not the Image/Stereo sub-menu.  (I've adjusted the text above.)



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