Interactive Crop function.

Hey guys.

Love 3.10!!! Session manager is pure gold. Anyhow I find myself in Layout mode quite often comparing shots and I like how I can move the plates around in manual mode to get; for example the faces of the actors in different shots to line up. However often wish for a crop function much like the scale function to get the region of interest more focused.



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    Seth Rosenthal


    I'm glad you like the session manager. We have interactive cropping on our roadmap, but we had not really thought of using it the way you suggest--for creating custom layouts in layout mode.

    We will take another look at when we can fit this into the schedule.

    Also, we will  be glad to get more ideas about new workflows that are enabled (or suggested) by 3.10, the layouts, the session manager etc.. We are discovering new things ourselves by playing around with 3.10. It opens up lots of possibilities so we are glad to hear ideas about how it might be useful.



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