Hey there -
I use rv to compare sequences that put together strings of movies. To look at the individual shots, I'll use control->arrow left or right to quickly hop from shot to shot.
It would be great if networking could look at the range boundaries to know which shot I'm looking at, and restart it's sync from the frame number of the boundary. The reason being, I often have 2 sequences, one from an old rv session and another from a new session, and I'll use networking to compare the differences between the old and new sequences. Unfortunately, timing changes are often part of the differences, so if a shot was longer or shorter before my sync frame, the shots I want to compare will be out of sync. I'm wanting to keep those shots in sync to easily compare shot to shot.This would also help me know which shots changed timing!
Of course, if the shot order changed, this isn't going to help (unless you synced the ui string name? hmmn - that's an even better idea...)