Add ability to annotate with more complex shapes, onion skin

Here are a few things we'd really like to see in the annotations toolbox!

  • straight lines
  • circle/ellipse
  • squares
  • arrows (at least straight line with an arrow head, also ability to create curved arrows would be nice and also any type of perspective arrow tool would be great too)
  • onion skinning to have previous frames ghosted


Kirk Chantraine, Lead Software Engineer - Pipeline
MPC Film
C +1 604 700 9159
London - Vancouver - Los Angeles – Bangalore - Montreal


  • 8

    YES YES YES, oh god please YES!

  • 10
    Keith Seyer

    This would be a HUGE boost to the animation team.  Being able to animate in a 2D fashion by holding a drawing over multiple frames (in addition to onion skinning) would make a big difference in how we're able to give animation notes internally.  It's a lot more descriptive to have a series of drawings play over existing animation than just having one drawing over one frame, or worse, having to describe the action in text.

  • 8
    Alex Wilkie

    Yes, this is still a top requested feature at our studio.

  • 8
    eric leong

    BUMP! Really would be so useful to have the onion skin feature! Any updates if this is planned for a future release would be helpful.

  • 7
    Manuel Agost

    It would be great if we could also select and move shapes.

  • 6
    Wesley Chandler

    Big bump on this! So many departments of leads and supes uses rv Annotations.   Having hotkeys for all these commands would also be a huge time saver!  Imagine using Photoshop how you can just press 'B' to brush, then 'E' to erase, 'T' to type text.  All commands we use multiple times every day.



  • 5
    Bryan Litson

    BUMP'ing this thread. This would be of large benefit to my daily work and that of our studio.

  • 4
    Daniel Cavalcante

    We need this so much! BUMP!

  • 6
    Art Curry

    Onion skinning would be a terrific addition, along with held drawings. Hotkeys would also be a huge boon to productivity and efficiency.

  • 4
    Jamie Austad

    These abilities would be so useful!

  • 3
    Alex Wilkie

    I wouldn't hold out any hope... We submitted this over two years ago with subsequent bumps from many of our VFX Supes but nothing from Autodesk.....

  • 15
    Tad Topping

    Here's a more complete list of features that could make Annotation mode a LOT better:

    - Timeslider where we can move drawings from a frame to the other
    - Onion skin
    - Layers
    - Being able to hold a drawing for several frames
  • 0
    mathieu assemat

    Any news on this by any chance ?

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