In the first release of the RV/Shotgon integration package we hope
to provide at least the following features:
- Click on links in Shotgun to play media
- Exchange URLs that will load the designated shotgun versions into RV with one click.
- Play sets of media from any Shotgun page displaying Versions.
- Compare two or more Versions in RV after selecting in Shotgun.
- Play media arranged in Shotgun Playlists.
- Display Shotgun information (from any shotgun entities) in RV.
- From RV, go directly to Shotgun pages corresponding to loaded media.
- From RV, update media to the latest version registered in Shotgun.
- Store Shotgun information in RV session files.
- Swap media type (movies or hires frames or whatever) from within RV.
- Use editorial information stored in Shotgun to adjust media EDL in RV, or to find and load media corresponding to neighboring shots.
- Configurability. After a configuration step, the integration package should be able to handle most shotgun schemas.
Note that all this may not be present in the first beta release.