How customizable is the Shotgun integration?


I am just beginning to look into the Shotgun integration with RV.  I have added a Media Type to shotgun_fields_config_custom.mu and changed the Display order.  Does all the other heavy lifting happen in fieldsCompute function?  OR  are there event handlers on the RV side that are triggered by an rvlink call?

I am looking to do the following things:

  • Choose which media type to display based on what files exist 
  • In Shotgun, we have the fields "Path to Frames" and "Path to Frames R"  (for the Right Eye).  If both eyes exist, prompt the user to "Load as Stereo" in RV.  Or is there a way to add a Menu entry in Shotgun called "Play in RV (Stereo)".




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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Paul,

    "How customizable" has maybe several levels of answer.  The idea of the custom config module that you've already modified is to privide a level of interface to a particular studio's Shotgun database structure.  But also the entire integration package is written in the scripting language, so in that sense it's infinitely customizable.  Both the modifications you discuss would require changing the integration code itself, not just the custom config module.

    Re: choosing which media type to play based on what exists:   By 'what exists' do you mean what exists on disk, or what Shotgun fields are non-empty ?  The latter would be easy, the former a bit tricky.

    Re: stereo media support:  this is all a little tricky because different studios store and name stereo media differently, but yes it's certainly possible to add menu items to the Shotgun mode.  One studio has added stereo support themselves, and if your stereo media names follow the Nuke convention (differing by "left"/"right" or "l"/"r" in the filename adding stereo support is pretty straightforward with the current code.

    It's probably best to start a support ticket (or even two) so we can track these items.  I'm in the midst of making some changes in the Shotgun integration at the moment, so maybe we can make it work for you without you having to fiddle with the core yourself.



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    Alan Trombla

    Just an update on this.

    The RV/Shotgun integration package has supported %V Nuke-style naming for stereo media since v1.38 (released with RV 3.10.13).  Also note that the actual strings used for the eye labeling are configurable (don't have to be "left" and "right", etc) as explained in the User Manual.



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