How to Combine Shotgun Version and Image Sequence in RV

I would like to combine the advantage of using shotgun.sessionFromVersionIDs and image sequence playblasted with Maya.

Did you know how to do that ?


Usually i use this command below.

rv [SHOT-001-001.#.jpg SHOT-001-002.jpg SHOT-001-003.#.jpg]

But now i would like to have something like below to take advantage of metada from Shotgun.

rv [ShotgunVersion(SHOT-001-001) SHOT-001-002.jpg ShotgunVersion(SHOT-001-003)]



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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Marc,

    Are you saying that those jpq sequences correspond to Versions already in Shotgun ?  IE is "SHOT-001-002" the name of a Shotgun Version entity, or just an un-registered playblast of the SHOT-001 animation or whatever ?

    The current shotgun integration is very Version-centric (since it's designed to be used from within Shotgun where you have access to Version IDs, etc).  So if you don't have a Version ID there's not much that RV can do at the moment.  Currently Shot/Sequence/Task etc metadata is retrieved from Shotgun through links on the Version entity, so everything starts there.

    It would be possible for RV to look up other kinds of metadata by entity name, but that's not in there at the moment.  I'll add it to the list.

    If you _do_ have Version IDs you could write an RV session file, with Version info "stubs" that just contain the ID, and then have RV update the metadata after you load the session file.   This will be much easier with RV v 3.10, which will ship with a simple python module for writing session files, but it still won't be as easy as something from the command line.  I'll put that on the list too but it seems less likely.


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    Marc Dubrois

    Alan actually I wanted to insert  the shot I made with Maya (and not yet reported in Shotgun) with all the Shots approved and available in Shotgun.
    I thought it was possible to combine the "-eval 'shotgun.sessionFromVersionIDs (int [] (21175))" with footage of classic image from the command line.
    But perhaps it's currently impossible.
    In this case the best solution would be to generate RV sessions ? I'll test it today.

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    Alan Trombla

    Yes, at the moment, sessionFromVersionIDs rewrites the internal EDL according to the shotgun data supplied, and overrides any other media that may be present on the command line.  In 3.10 this will be a lot more flexible and it will be easier to mix and match media from Shotgun and other sources.  I'll keep your application in mind when we adapt the shotgun module for 3.10 over the next couple of months.

    With 3.8.6, you can certainly write session files with some media from shotgun and some not, and I think things like "update shotgun info" should work fine with such a "mixed" session.  But anything that edits the session (like swapping media types and/or adjusting the editorial data) will quite possibly confuse the session data for the non-shotgun media.


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