how to modify rvui.mu

Hi I am trying to set custom hotkeys for rv based on the rvui.mu file, as in this snippet from the basic install rvui.mu file:


\: buildMainMenu (Menu; [MenuItem] userMenus = nil)
    Menu mainMenu_part1 = {
        {"File", Menu {
            {"New Session", \: (void; Event ev) { newSession(nil); }, "control n", newSessionState},
            {"Open...",  addMovieOrImageSources(,true,false), "control o", nil},


I have tried several combinations of including a simplified rvui.mu in my user folder. But it is throwing all sorts of errors like this. 


/usr/home/poconnell/.rv/Mu/rvui.mu, line 118, char 99: Unresolved reference to "newSessionState"
ERROR: while loading source module "/usr/home/poconnell/.rv/Mu/rvui.mu"
ERROR: attempted to reference unresolved symbol
/vol/weta/rv-3.10/Mu/rvwetaUTILS.mu, line 48, char 25: Unresolved function call to "cacheModeFunc"


Is there a simple way to add a keyboard shortcut to a menu item as you might in Nuke like so:

t.addCommand('3D/Scene', "nuke.createNode('Scene')", 'Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N')





1 comment

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Pete,

    The best way to add these user specific enhancements is through an rvrc configuration file. You can create a python version or mu version. I am attaching one of each to the thread here (linked below). In order to make use of them you need to same them in your user home directory and name them ".rvrc.py" for the python one and ".rvrc.mu" for the Mu one.

    Please let us know if you have any more questions.


    Files linked above

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