Memory issues with RVImageSources

We are using RV as framebuffer for Arnold render but we have a lot of memory issues with RV, when we create the frame buffer as Image Source , even for an small image ,1024x768  float or less without any AOV, RV take more than 200 megas of memory, more than reading  a 100 frames 2k dpx sequence and when is rendering take more memory for each pixel bucket and each time we create a new Image source took the same amount of memory


not only the memory go up with the renders, each time that we click in any element in the session manager the memory go up between 3 and 40 megas, so with a few renders and play a bit in the session manager  the amount of memory taken from RV is too much


Is this a issue with our driver and scripts or  is there an issue with the memory management and the images sources in RV?

is there any guide of best practices or experiences using Image Sources?


Thanks in advance


  • 0
    Alan Trombla

    Can you tell me what version of RV you're using on what platform ?

    I'd strongly recommend the current release (RV 4.0.12) since there have been significant recent improvements to ImageSource management.



  • 0
    bluebolt tech

    we are using 4.0.10 and tested with 4.0.12

    with 4.0.12 the frame buffer memory works better but  there are issues when we change from one view to other (stacks, layouts, folders..) 

    we are creating a new RVImagesource per render and store each in different folders, is this ok?

    is there any way of compress the images once that the render finish ?



  • 0
    bluebolt tech

    this is a python test using the rvNetwork that i'm using to test the memory issues


    other issue is that if we send the image in  small bucket of pixels (16x16), the memory goes high and with biggest buckets (128x128) the image source takes less memory


    to run the script open rv with -network and run the script




  • 0
    Alan Trombla


    Could you please open a support ticket for this ?  I think we need to dig a bit deeper than is appropriate for the forums.



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