Is it possible to ask the Screening Room for the selected sequence?

Hello everyone.

I have to create a playlist based on the current state of all the shots in the selected sequence. Is this even possible?



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    Jon Morley

    Hi José,

    1) What version of RV are you using and on which platform?

    2) Can you please explain more about what you mean by playlist? Do you need to make a new session file or a new sequence or what?

    3) What do you mean by "current state of all the shots"?

    4) If possible can you please walk me through the manual steps you wish to program/automate?


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    Jon Morley

    Hi José,

    I think these questions are best asked to the Shotgun team. Sorry things are still split up and confused at the moment. I would open a ticket with them at:


    Please make sure to add me as a CC so I can answer any RV questions that come up.


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    José M. Calvo

    Hi Jon.

    RV version is 6.2.2 + Shotgun

    I'm pretty new to RV so I probably chose the wrong terms.

    When you select a sequence from the Column Browser all shots in that sequence will appear, then from the shots' view context menu you can 'Play Selected' and 'Play all'.

    The idea is to have another option, (ideally in that same context menu or in the 'Versions Per Shot' menu), that lets you play/sort the shots based on some custom rules we have (e.g. if latest version Path to Frames/Movie is not found, use latest version from another source Layout etc.)

    I hope it makes sense now.

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