change the position of watermark

New user here - and so far I'm very impressed looks like Framecycler's days are numbered in this building, anyway first question- is there a simple way to change the position of a rendered -overlay watermark in RVIO? I assume i need a script of some kind, is there anyone who has a script I can look at? All I need to do is have access to simple options like top/bottom/centre of screen and left/right/centre justification.


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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Mike,

    I'm glad you like RV so far :)

    RVIO overlays are very powerful in the sense that they are simply OpenGL so you can draw or write anything you want anywhere on the frame. However, they are not as simple and accessible as we would like to make them (eventually). RV comes with a number of example scripts like 'watermark.mu' 'frameburn.mu' 'simpleslate.mu' etc. You can look at these scripts as examples and combine or modify them to make your own scripts.

    You will be able to get a bit of help by examining all of the scripts and seeing how they work. For example I think the frameburn script will right justify based on the width of 4 digits ("0000") and place the frame number at the bottom of the frame with a defined margin. The watermark script has a simple method to figure out the font size to use to fill the width of the image (minus a margin) and it also has a formula to center the text vertically. The combination of those techniques could act as the basis for more general features to place text top/bottom/left/right etc. We really should make examples for all of that so it's simpler, and really we should make the whole thing much easier to use.

    Let me know if that helps. Feel free to ask more questions as you experiment. If that's too involved for you, maybe I can make some time to make more examples.



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    Mikeparsons Tv

    Thanks for that - worked perfectly, all i did was change the height/2 to height/12 and it put it where i wanted it.

    I now have pretty solid integration with my show database (filemaker) creating quicktimes from dpx with slate and burn in from the database, using the assigned LUT. Usual bug everyone has with quicktime not working over a network nicely so i do it in 2 steps, create quicktime locally then move it to the correct place on the server.

    Next step is EDL conforming and making cinesync lists, though I am also lookign at dropping cinesync once i look more into RV remote sessions. Its too late for the current film (ends in 7 weeks) but we have a film after this that I'm planning on pushing the whole facility into RV useage. Is there a site license available or bulk purchase pricing? Feel free to reply off list.


    best regards



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    Mikeparsons Tv

    In terms of tweaking the simple mu files you might just add 4 parameters for each - vertical and horizontal justification and pixel offset, available values being t for top, b for bottom or c for centre, each followed by a value for pixel offset.

    eg -overlay watermark "For client review Jan 16" 0.1 t -10 c 0

    would simply overlay "For client review Jan 16 at 10% opacity 10 pixels down from the top of screen in the centre and

    -overlay watermark "For client approval" 0.1 b 20 l 15

    would overlay "For client approval" at 10% opacity 20 pixels up from the bottom and 15 pixels in from the left.

    This would just come down to a few if/else statements in the mu file.


    best regards



  • 0
    Seth Rosenthal


    That's great that you got the scripts working the way you want. We agree that there should be simple ways for users to setup overlays like this. We are talking about an even more general purpose approach that would let you setup the overlays in RV and then use that layout for processing frames with RVIO. But I do think something like you propose would be good too and fairly easy to implement.



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    drew rosen

    has anyone submitted more info on how to adjust the parameters for various placement of the overlay watermarks?


    i haven't been able to master the math behind how this works:


    textSize += 5;
    let b = gltext.bounds(text);
    width = b[0] + b[2];
    while (width < w - 1500);

    gltext.size(textSize - 10);
    let b = gltext.bounds(text);
    width = b[0] + b[2];
    let height = b[1] + b[3];

    gltext.writeAt((w - width)/2, (h - height) /2, text);



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    Bill Gilman

    Is there a way to change the font of overlays?  Even better, are there any example scripts for creating fully custom slates, with a bg image, etc?

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    Asi Sudai

    Question: I create a new overlay script called watermark_custom.mu
    but when I run 'rvio ... -overlay watermark_custom' I'm getting an error "can't find watermark_custom"

    watermark_custom.mu is placed where watermark.mu is in .../rv/3.12/x86/plugins/Mu

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Asi,

    RV finds the scripts files along the MU_MODULE_PATH. If you choose "Show Environment" from the Help menu you can see the value RV has.

    One reason you might be seeing this error is because your module name does not match your script file name. Or rather you have not created a watermark_custom mode inside watermark_custom.mu. Did you by chance start watermark_custom.mu with a copy of watermark.mu?


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    Asi Sudai

    module name wasn't matching the script file name - sorry for missing that.

    Works like magic. thanks Jon!

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