Hi, I'm running a python script inside of RV and am trying to keep track of all the annotations and manually export them to a pre-defined folder. I'm attempting the following:
1. Catch signal for newly created annotation and track it
2. Display annotation info (id, frame #, et cetera)
3. Export annotations (let user select which annotations to export if possible)
I see the rv.extra_commands.findAnnotatedFrames() but it just gives me back a list of frames that have been annotated.
Apparently the annotations are kept inside the "RVPaint" node but when I run rv.commands.nodesOfType("RVPaint") it just brings back the names of those nodes.
I guess I'm just having trouble accessing the attributes and functions on all of the nodes. Is it possible to load a node object into memory in python and access its attributes/methods?
And even then I'm unsure the best way to export the annotation. RV seems to be running the "rvio_hw" command on the *.rv file to export the annotated frames. Can I just use a system call to mimic that? The help menu says that rvui has a function called "exportAnnotatedFrames()" but that function doesn't seem to be in the code anywhere including the rvui.py file.
Sorry there's a lot going on here. Thanks