Writing an RV plugin,...when RV has loaded several movie files,..the plugin does following
sources = commands.nodesOfType("RVFileSource")
for i in range(0, len(sources) ):
media = commands.getStringProperty(sources[i] + "")[0]
files = commands.existingFilesInSequence(media)
and can find the full path from files[0] etc...
But I need to query each movie to get its duration, and/or start,end...
From the Reference Manual, it appears that one can simply do a:
start = commands.getIntProperty(sources[i] + ".image.start")
end = commands.getIntProperty(sources[i] + ".image.end" )
that throws an exception:
Exception: Exception thrown while calling commands.getIntProperty -- exception: "invalid property name sourceGroup000000_source.image.start", program exception
What am I doing wrong?