Title/Action Safe PyOpenGL Sample Package

Hi Gang,

I have been seeing some requests for examples on how to use the new python opengl bindings included in RV 6.2.5 and later. I decided to create a sample package that also solved another request we sometimes get about displaying title and action safe overlays. This is a rough draft proof of concept so don't be shy if it seems broken or wonky. Please let me know. (Attached/linked below)




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    Jon Ware

    Howdy Jon,

    I am trying out your pyopengl sample code. I have been able to load the minor mode, but have been unable to get the render function to be called. Is there some criteria I am missing to get this to work? I am currently using rv 6.2.7. I have also created my own bare bones MinorMode to try and find the bare minimum to get the render function to be called and have been unsuccessful. Any help would be appreciated.



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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi Jon,

    I've just now verified that this package works with 6.2.7 under OSX and Linux.

    First make sure you've installed and enabled the plugin:

    1. Start RV.
    2. Select the RV > Preferences menu.
    3. Select the Packages Tab.
    4. Select the "Installed" and "Load" checkboxes next to the Python OpenGL Example Mode package.
    5. Close the Preferences and restart RV.
    6. Open some media (movie or something).
    7. You should now be able to hit shift+z to enable/disable the overlay.  Press play and hit shift+z.

    That should show the action/title safe overlay from the example while playing back.


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    Jon Ware

    Howdy Mike,

    Interesting! I have loaded the package directly and it works like a charm. However, when I extracted the python code out to examine, the render function would not be called. I had logging statements throughout the MinorMode, to verify the code was being called and events were being processed. It appeared to work, I could see it was toggling the mode's internal display attribute. If I got that far with the extracted python code, in that it was able to register and receive keyboard events, I must also assume it would be able to render. However, render was never called. When I create a new minor mode via rv's python API while rv is running, it also does not call the render function.

    I believe I am missing something important, and I am unsure where to look. I see in the rvtypes.Mode documentation, "When active the minor mode can render and its menu is visible". So I must assume that the only criteria is that it must be active and the render function is called automatically. Is that correct?



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