RV: how to search folders recursively for sequences when drag'n'drop?

Hi there!

Often the image sequences are stored in a folder structure like 'shotname_folder/resolution_folder/image_sequence'. To import them to an RV session, most often drag'n'drop is the way to go. It would be very comfortable to drag the shotname folder onto RV instead of having to open it and drag the resolution folder.

Is there an easy way to implement a recursive search, to do this? And maybe even import all image sequences of the dragged folder recursively?

And one additional task:

would it be possible to exclude subfolders with special names, for example 'matte' or similar?


Thanks, Abraham


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Abraham,

    There isn't an easy way to accomplish this. The easiest way to create a mode/package that uses a file open dialog to select a parent directory and then allows you to process that directory recursing as you see fit. That would allow you to add whatever you wanted, but it would not work in drag and drop. The most you can do during the drop right now is alter the path coming in. So if you only had one directory nestled below the shotname directory then you might be able to wire that up, but it would never create multiple sources.

    If you wish to pursue modifying the drop path please let me know. A good example of doing that is in an optional package included with RV called "OS Dependent Path Conversion". You can find it listed on the Packages tab of RV's preferences.


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    Abraham Schneider

    Hi Jon,

    thanks for that. I can see what you're pointing me to with the mentioned sample package. I'll have a look at that and try to adapt that to my own needs. Tweaking the path to "step down 1 folder" would be good enough for the moment.



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Abraham,

    Great. Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.


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