Setting Hotkeys 101

Hi guys,

I want to set some hotkeys/ key bindings for rv.  I haven't done any under the hood stuff in RV so I don't know where to start.  All the questions and answers that I've seen so far seem to have some prior knowledge, but I don't know where to begin.

I want to know how to:

  1. Set a hotkey for an existing function in RV (say, something that I can do by selecting a menu item.).  Is there some place that I can find out the command that's being run when I pick a menu item and assign it to a hotkey?
  2. Set a hotkey for something that can't be done from the existing menus (say, jump forward 10 frames).   

I'm currently on a Windows 7 machine but would love for my solution to be portable.  If this can be done in python that would be ideal as I have basic skills in python.  Sorry if this is somewhere and I've missed it, I've tried to look.




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    Jon Morley

    Hi Chad,

    Setting hotkeys in RV can be done in two main ways, but both involve creating new key bindings in Python or Mu in either your personal rvrc file or in a package. If you plan to do some rapid prototyping then I suggest you start with modifying an rvrc file. Then if you need to share the bindings with others you can put them in a package.

    Why don't you tell me one of the menu items you wish to make a hotkey for and I can make you a sample rvrc file to get you started. Sound good?


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    Chad M

    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for your reply. Sounds great!

    For me, toggling audio scrubbing on/off would be one I use fairly often.  If possible, the python route would be my preference because I have some knowledge of that.


    Thanks Jon


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Chad,

    Here (attached below) is a sample package for how you would make shift+z toggle audio scrubbing on/off. All RV packages are simply zip files named with ".rvpkg" instead of ".zip" though either will work. Here are the docs on installing packages:


    Here are the docs on making your own package:


    Dissect the package I am sending here and take a look at it with the docs in mind. Then tell me what you are follow up questions are.


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