Remote Session Host

When I connect to another RV session, is there a way to tell who the host is? As in, who was the one who being connected to? I'm trying to find a way to handle cases where the session should be synced but unsure who should sync to who. So if I could determine who is the one connecting and who is the one being connected to, then I can trigger a sync to the right person.

It seems like a trivial thing, but I looked through the API and most of the functions either had no information or didn't return the right data. Any help or point in the right direction would be much appreciated!




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    Jon Morley Official comment

    Hi Jessica,

    There is no hierarchy to network connected RV sessions. When a new connection is established either party can push or pull the session. You can use commands.remoteContacts to determine to whom you are connected. Will that work for your needs?


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    Jessica Ng

    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for the prompt response! Unfortunately that doesn't really solve my problem. I would basically have to just pick randomly who would pull the session. I'm basically trying to setup a master/slave configuration where all the slaves will pull the session from the master automatically and the slave is always the one that is trying to connect to another session. There are definitely ways to get that done, but it would be much faster/easier/nicer to have a way to automate it.

    I know there's a "remote-connection-start" event when the connection is established but if I'm not mistaken, it's run on the master and slave side. Are there any events that get triggered only on the slave machine? When the function "remoteConnect" is called? Or when I hit RV->Network->Connect..->Connect? 

    I'm open to any alternative ways I could achieve this master/slave configuration as well. Please let me know if you have any suggestions/insights!

    Thank you for your help,


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Jessica,

    If you are initiating the connection yourself is the relationship not known at that time?

    RV's sync mode looks for a command line flag to attempt to connect and pull from another RV session. Perhaps you can leverage that functionality. If you add "-flags syncPullFirst" to your launch command of the "slave" RV then once you connect to the "master" the session will automatically be pulled.


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    Jessica Ng

    Hi John,

    I wouldn't know the relationship if RV doesn't trigger or communicate it to me. I'll look into that flag and see if I can make it work for what I want to do.

    Thank you for all your help!


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