How to distiguish RV and RVSDI mode?

My script likes this:
class: Test : Widget
    method: render (void; Event event)
        // is there a API can distiguish RV and RVSDI mode?
        // now I use event.name
        // but actually when I use presentation mode
        // the output device logged the "render-output-device" not only in RV but also in RVSDI.

        string s = event.name();
        if(s == "render-output-device")
            // to do something  
            // to do something

When I use presentation mode In RV and RVSDI, one image is rendered in RV GUI itself, another one is renderer in other monitor, so the method "render" was invoked twice, and the event.name is "render" and "render-output-device",that worked fine.

So, my problem is, how can I distiguish RV and RVSDI?


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