RV: Set View Info (i.e. "Source name") from the command line

We're using rvpush to add several sources to an open Session.

Here's what we're doing:

rvpush -tag myrv merge [ $frames/matte_mergeLFT.* ]

The problem is that all of the frames have the same naming convention, and so when you look at the Session manager, every Source has the same "View Info" (i.e. "matte_mergeLFT.101-303@@@").

Is there any way to set the View Info (i.e. "name") for a Source from the command line?


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Josh,

    Have you tried running extra_commands.setUIName follow up through "mu-eval" or "py-eval" after merging the new source? It isn't ideal, but if you know how many sources you have added you can address the nodes "sourceGroup000000" as node 1 onward.

    You might also be able to make a package that listens for new sources and renames them based on some studio criteria. If you are willing to go that route please let us know. I can give you some pointers.


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    Josh Burnell

    Thanks, Jon.

    For knowledge sharing, I ended up creating a script that uses the rvSession python library to create an RV session and setting the name there.

    session = rvSession.Session()
    for shot in sequence:
    sourceNode = session.newNode('Source', show.name)

    Unfortunately, it only works with RV 4, which is another post... ;-)

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    Jon Morley

    That is a great idea, Josh!

    I should have recommended that as well. Can you please elaborate on what you mean about: "Unfortunately, it only works with RV 4, which is another post... ;-)"? That approach should work for RV6/7 also.

    Please send us a sample session created that way that does not work in RV6/7. I can see what is broken.


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    Josh Burnell

    Ah! I misspoke. You're right, what I describe above does work in RV 4 and 6/7. What doesn't is...

    I'm trying to set the Image Layer with rvSession, but the setting appears to be done differently between RV 4 Session files and RV 6/7 Session files. I created another post just in case someone had run into this before:


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Josh,

    Thank you for clarifying (and making a new post). I will follow along there and consider this part resolved.


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