rvlink: url's not opening RV in chrome

when using an RV Link command like: "rvlink:// -l -play /path/to/my/movie.mov", the command works fine in Internet Explorer / Firefox / Hyperlinking, but through chrome it attempts a google search.

This is likely a configuration issue with chrome, but no matter what I configure or how I structure the rvlink command it will still only perform a google search.

Is there any way to format the link for chrome, or configure chrome to use rvlink:// ?


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    Jon Morley Official comment

    Mi Michael,

    This link is pretty old, but is it related to what you are seeing?



  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Michael,

    1) What version of RV are you using and on which platform? I am guessing this is Windows (since you have access to Internet Explorer), but it would be great to get the exact versions of both the OS and RV.

    2) If this is Windows can you please tell me what steps you have taken to install the rvlink handler for Windows? Did you install RV through the installer with the rvlink handler installer or did you do it by hand?


  • 0
    Michael Wright

    Hi Jon,

    1) We're using windows 7 as our platform. We have an install for both 6.2.5 and 7.0.0, located on a network drive for use on all our windows machines

    2) RV was installed on a singular windows machine first, then it's files were copied over to the network location. I can see our rvlink.reg file in the installation's /etc folder, and because rvlink works for all other applications it should have been registered correctly. As of now this problem is specific to chrome and its forcing of a google search.

    Thanks for the quick response,


  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for the additional information. I am not sure what else can be done if you have applied the registry stub files (presumably after editing them to reflect your actual install location and not that of defaults listed in the files). This is the first report we have had of this kind of issue. Can you please:

    1) Download and install our latest release 6.2.8 on one of your machines by using the installer? Then try clicking in Chrome again.

    2) Can you capture a cellphone video of the failed attempt or at least screen shots of any dialogs Chrome presents as you attempt to get a link to play?


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    Michael Wright

    I'll see if I can get a different installation working with RV Link, but for now here is a couple of screenshots showing the problem.

    Here is the chrome window before the command is run. This same link in the address bar works with Firefox and IE.

    Here is the Chrome window after the command is run. You can see it performed a google search instead of running the command. 

    This might be a configuration issue in chrome rather than an RV issue. So far the resources I've looked at for disabling searches in chrome haven't actually done so.

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Michael,

    Do you have any kind of extensions or add-ons that are only installed on Chrome? I have not yet seen a Windows system treat the links differently per browser.


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    Michael Wright

    It doesn't seem to be the chrome plugins. I've tried it again with all extensions of chrome shutdown but it still performs a search. 

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    Michael Wright

    Yep, it looks like the exact same thing.

    I've edited the file/line it mentions and now chrome opens RV like the other browsers.

    Thanks Jon!

  • 0
    Jon Morley

    Wow! I am glad that worked! I had never heard about that. Seems like another place this darn thing can get confused. Glad that helped!


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