modify "play selected" command

I have RV linked to Shotgun which creates a playlist. In RV, when I launch the SG browser, i see the playlists I created in SG. I can select all the clips and right-click and hit "Play Selected". 

is Play Selected apart of RV's commands or Shotgun Screening Room?

How do I run python functions? say if I want to open 3 clips, the open process should find the original plates and import them aswell into the sources(via a python function), pair the clip and plate (they have the same naming convension) and make a stack. Then, rename the stack to something cool, or the plate name :). So i should have 3 stacks by now, then take all the stacks and make a sequence. 






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    (Michael) Kessler Official comment

    Hi Nick,

    Unfortunately, there's not a lot of customization accessible when it comes to Screening Room, how it builds the RV graph, or what happens when actions are performed in it.  Additionally, building this type of graph in screening room will make screening room lose track of your sources.

    However, starting with RV 7, we ship a new shotgun integration package called SG Review.  SG Review includes a micro installation of Toolkit, as well as a more robust integration with RV; allowing for more flexibility within RV and toolkit integration.

    A good way of writing this would be to write this separately as a an RV package that creates a Minor Mode.  Minor Modes can extend the functionality of RV via Python or Mu, they can expose menu options, display GUIs, respond to events, and modify the graph to name a few.  Information on writing Packages can be found here (chapters 8-10):

    You could, for instance, write an RV package that listens for the source-group-complete and modifies the graph by adding the related media to a stack on-load.

    You can find information on the source-group-complete event here.



  • 0
    Nick Joseph

    Thankyou Sir, 

    Looks like I've got alot of reading to do. :D

  • 0
    (Michael) Kessler

    Let us know if you have any questions as you progress.  There are a lot of good examples shipped with RV as well.  As first examples check out pymystuff-1.0.rvpkg and pyhello-1.0.rvpkg.

  • 0
    Nick Joseph

    Problem Solved! Thankyou very much. I have another question that I have posted. It will be super awesome if you could join me there.




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