RVPaint with sequences is not working

Hi there.

I'm writing a Python RV library for my company. They want to be able to create RV session files from scratch with per-shot annotations. So far so good. But now they also want to make use of per-frame annotations. I've been investigating a little bit and made some tests with RVPaint objects. After having a look to RV-generated session files I noticed that it worked as I expected for RVLayoutGroup objects, but not for RVSequenceGroup objects. It seems that paint nodes for sequences need to be somehow linked to every input in the sequence, which is really weird to me. I just want to create a sequence no matter what's in it and attach per-frame annotations without making references to their inputs. Is there any way I could do this? Also, why is there almost no information about how to use RVPaint nodes? I had to figure out a lot of things, like the undocumented "naming convention" used to attach paint nodes to sequence inputs with "sequencegroup_p_sourcegroup". Is this still under development? 

Thanks in advance!



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    Jon Morley

    Hi José,

    I am glad you have made it so far! That is great work.

    You can make annotation/paint command properties on _any_ RVPaint node. Adhering to the way the Annotation mode works might not be the best when you are making your own system.

    The "naming convention" is a bit more flexible than it may seem at first. The way things are named when annotating in RV are a bit strict so that a history is saved that can be stepped through forwards and backwards with the button on the annotation tools palette. You probably don't want to name things exactly like that or you might make annotations your users could accidentally erase.

    When you were making annotations and looking at the results in session files did you notice if you had Annotation -> Configure -> "Draw On Source When Possible" enabled?

    Here is a sample package that works with RVOverlays, but it still has some useful information in case you have not seen it:


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    José M. Calvo

    Thanks for the prompt response Jon.

    Unfortunately it did not help very much. I have no problems with overlays, I'm already using them and they're working fine. I only have a problem with RVSequenceGroup and RVPaint nodes. I just wanted to know if it was possible to attach a RVPaint node to a sequence group the same way you attach them to a layout group (without  having to reference the group inputs). From your answer I understand this is not possible.

    I already managed to make per-frame annotations on layouts, so I guess that a possible solution would be to put the sequence into a layout and annotate this layout instead of the sequence. I don't like this solution since this extra layer will appear in the RV's session manager (used by artists) and I wanted to keep it as simple as possible.




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    Jon Morley

    Hi José,

    You do not need to attach RVPaint nodes to RVSequenceGroups. There is already a paint node on the RVSequeceGroup just as there is for the RVLayoutGroup and RVStackGroups. If you save a session file and examine its contents you will see what I mean. Is there some reason you cannot use that paint node?


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    Jon Morley

    Hi José,

    I see that not only did I take ages to reply I also missed your original issue. You can safely disregard my previous message. For now if you want to have an overarching paint context for a sequence you will indeed need to put it in a stack or layout. I am sorry that overhead is not going to work for you.


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