SG Review - change status

In the previous Screening Room for RV we where able to change statusses directly from within RV. This is invaluable for our workflow, since we need to go through a massive amount of shots every day.

Now in the new SG Review, this is no longer possible. Can you please bring it back!!!!


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    Alan Trombla Official comment

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the feedback !

    Yes, the ability to edit all the fields on the Version (or connected Shot etc) in the Details Pane of the SG Review interface is at the top of our list for the next release. 

    But just to be clear, we have not removed or disabled Screening Room and if for any reason you find it is still a better fit for your workflow, you're welcome to continue using it.



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    Johnny Duguid

    Hi again David,

    Just letting you know that this request entered development this week. Not 100% sure which RV update will get this, but it should be appearing in the not-too-distant future.

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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi David,


    SG Review now comes with the ability to edit fields in the Details Pane of SG Review, including setting status.


    If you haven't already, check it out!



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