(Full-diclosure: I know that rvSession.py states it only supports RV Session files for RV 4, but maybe someone knows something I don't that can make it work (in this case) with RV 6 as well.)
I'm attempting to use the rvSession Python library to create an RV Session file that loads Sources and sets the Image layer for each source.
To set the Image layer in the RV Session file in RV 4, you do this:
sourceGroup000000_source : RVFileSource (1)
string imageLayerSelection = "matteA"
This can be generated by the rvSession Python library by doing this:
session = rvSession.Session()
node = session.newNode('Source')
node.setProperty ("RVFileSource", "source", "request", "imageLayerSelection", gto.STRING,"matteA")
However, in RV 6, the RV Session file sets the Image layer with this:
sourceGroup000000_source : RVFileSource (1)
string imageComponent = [ "layer" "" "matteA" ]
Does anyone know how to generate that setting via rvSession and/or gto? The format of that value (i.e. [ "layer" "" "matteA" ]) doesn't appear to be a gto compatible format (i.e. gto.STRING, gto.INT), but I could be missing something.