shotgun 7 Silent Network Install

Hi All

I'm having a problem trying to install the new Shotgun+RV7

I extracted it and ran the .MSI and the installed fine but i can't get it to install silently via cmd.

Also is there a way it unistall the old version silently maybe via batch file?


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    (Michael) Kessler Official comment

    Hi Jeffrey,

    For installations where you need to deploy to many machines, it is best to use the .zip download for RV.
    You can download the .zip version and deploy it across all your machines. You will also need to modify the .reg files in the etc folder and execute those to register the rvlink and openwith handlers to point to your installation path.  This should allow you to integrate your deployment with whatever system deployment manager you use.

    You can find the .zip here:

    As far as removing old versions, you can use the add/remove programs on windows for versions previously installed with the .msi installer.

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    Hi Michael

    So what you are saying is that the .reg files just need to be executed locally to be implementied into registry?

    i.e. getting a batch file to run them from there should be fine?

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    (Michael) Kessler

    Yeah, otherwise if you already have a studio registry management system in place then you can have that insert the necessary entries.  If you open the .reg files up, you will see that they aren't too big/complicated.

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