Restoring Film Layout Template


Our domain is https://axis.shotgunstudio.com

At some point, the default project templates were deleted from our setups. Is there any way we could recover the Film Layout Template? If so, will restoring this one affect any of the existing project templates we have atm?


Thank you for your help.


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    Brandon Foster Official comment

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for your question! We currently don't have a way to copy individual Project templates between sites due to differences in schemas that exist from site to site.

    Templates are just a collection of settings and layouts (which entities/fields/pipeline steps are visible, which pages appear in the project navigation, and the layouts of detail pages). It may be of more use to create your own template from existing Projects on your own site to better match the layouts and workflows you're currently using. You can read more about creating and editing Project Templates in this article.

    If you have more questions that are specific to your site, please don't hesitate to open a support ticket with us.

  • 0
    Laura Muro

    Thank you for the response, Brandon. Is there any way I could get a "screenshot" of what the shotgun default template layout looks like (which entities/fields/pipeline steps are visible) so that I can imitate it?

  • 0
    Brandon Foster

    Sure thing, Laura. I'll open a support ticket and send you some screenshots through that.

  • 0
    Laura Muro

    Thank you!

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